【New Item】Single malt whisky Saburomaru V THE HIEROPHANT

Single Malt Saburomaru V THE HIEROPHANT, the sixth in the Single Malt Saburomaru series, is now available.

The Saburomaru distillery produces and sells peated whisky under the slogan “The Ultimate Peat,” and is one of the most popular distilleries in Japan due to its outstanding smoky flavor.

The latest Saburomaru V THE HIEROPHANT from the Saburomaru distillery is the sixth in the series. The production speed seems to have increased a little, and this is the sixth release in the series, less than half a year after the last one.

This one is released at the same time as the cask strength version.

The path of a man is many stars and many frost.

The place where you walk becomes a road.

In 2021, Saburomaru Distillery started an attempt to use ale yeast in its mature yeast state through yeast culture. The aged ale yeast, when combined with fresh whisky yeast, produces a mature and thick aroma. This is the same as the maturation of the entire organization through the predecessors of the old craftsmen. And from here, new traditions are passed on.

Takahiko Inagaki, Saburomaru Distillery

(Reference source:)Wakatsuru Shuzo Official Online Shop: Me and ALC

At “BAR SHINKAI”, we offer a glass for 45ml: 4,290 yen, 30ml: 2,860 yen, 15ml: 1,430 yen.

For more information on the Single Malt Saburomaru V THE HIEROPHANT, please see this article.

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