【New Item】Akkeshi Whisky x Odoru Daisousasen – Shinji Muroi single malt whisky “Muroi”

The popular TV drama series “Odoru Daishousasen” has restarted! A new shipment of gem single malt Japanese whisky from the Akkeshi Distillery, specially prepared for the latest movies “Muroi Shinji: The Undefeated” and “Muroi Shinji: The One Who Lives on”.

Akkeshi Whisky, whose quality and value have been increasing year by year, has decided to produce and sell whisky for the “Odoru Daisousasen” movie series, “Muroi Shinji: The Undefeated” and “Muroi Shinji: The Living Ones”.

In fact, in the movie, Mr. Muroi drinks Akkeshi Whisky in an impressive way. Movie fans and fans of Akkeshi are encouraged to try the same way of drinking!

At “BAR SHINKAI”, we offer small quantities such as 45ml: 11,550 yen per glass, 30ml: 7,700 yen, 15ml: 3,850 yen, etc.

For more information on theAkkeshi Whisky x Odoru Daisousasen – Shinji Muroi single malt whisky “Muroi”please see this article.

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